Monday, November 28, 2011


It's funny how loud everyone is in the flat when they are all up at once. Monday I was just laying in bed listening to Mina, Toni, and Johanne have a wonderful morning giggle and chatter session lol. When I finally got out of bed, everyone had left and I headed to uni. My tutorial and lecture were very blah and then I had my Arthur lecture which was alright. We didn't have a very good Arthur story this week. I just sat there thinking about the huge tree out on Elphistone lawn and how dark it is by 4... it's ridiculous! When I got home I had a good time snacking on the thanksgiving left overs with everyone. Toni remarked how we have three bags of cholera, and I admitted that my love of milk has actually given me bones made of adamantium lol. We started talking about my birthday and thinking about how we should celebrate since I'm apparently going to be 24 or 33... same difference. Mina and Johanne think that once you're up there it's basically the same lol. We had a lot of nice chats about cats in the kitchen, too. Mina, Johanne, and I are definitely going to be crazy cat ladies lol. I've accepted the fact already. We talk about the funniest/strangest things when we are all hungry and sitting in the kitchen. Nothing good ever comes from that lol. I went to Bri's flat a little later and was shocked at how clean their flat was. Literally I haven't seen it that clean since freshers lol. We ended up just sitting around on our computers and talking about random things. Bri was reading Chuck Norris jokes out loud and some of them are really funny... "Ghosts sit around a campfire telling Chuck Norris storis". At one point I ran back to my flat to get my computer charger and I unfortunately left my computer open... so Kelsie fraped me. It's really funny how some of my friends actually thought that I was pregnant... but little Martyn Jr. is just an allusion of the frape. Martyn was getting fraped at the same time, so "we" had a really funny chat. I really love them all... it's amazing we don't actually have any actual love children all named Lydia lol. It was a pretty relaxed evening. After all the fraping excitement died down, I sat in the kitchen reading and listening to Kelsie beautifully sing Les Mis from the shower. Then I went home and watched a lot of Disney movies on youtube since I had made the executive to not go to uni tomorrow lol. Good life decisions.

Tuesday I woke up at the crack of 1:00 and hurried to the library to spend some time with Bri and my Scottish peeps. It was kind of sad that Bri had to spend the majority of her birthday writing her essay. but while she was there, I was able to run to town and all over Hillhead to get her cake and set things up for her present and birthday dinner. It also gave me extra time to get the card making juices flowing lol. When they finally got home from the library, I was asking Kelsie if they had any pop and she just stared at me like I had 8 eyes lol. It took her forever to realize what I was saying. I had never realized that I say pop funny... but apparently it sounds almost like "pap" lol. Zoe, Bri, Kelsie, and I had a really nice family dinner of fajitas. We even sat down at the table together and everything, it was adorable and hilarious :) We did have pop, and Kelsie said "you sound like a fat semi driver". It's always startling how violently I burp after drinking pop lol. Even when I hold them in, they still sound crazy... like a bear. Anyways, after dinner I gave Bri her presents. She seemed to really like my silly card. I always take so much pride in them so she tells me "calm down, Dr. Suess". After sitting around in Bri's flat waiting for everyone to get ready and discussing "poor, pour, and paw (HAND)" lol we went to union.  We had a lot of fun there with everyone. Apparently Beautiful William isn't even 20 yet which is a very big shock lol. We just sat around in our back corner area and had a good time with everyone. Martyn and I discussed little Martyn Jr lol. Everyone also talked a little about my birthday this weekend. I can't believe it's time for that already... it's kind of crazy. We all sang happy birthday and One D at Bri (very loudly) lol and kind of force fed her drinks. Then a bunch of us went back to South House and kept the party going until a porter told us to keep it quiet since we had 3 different complaints... in less than 30 min of being home lol. The singing continued, of course, just a little more quietly. Greg is literally fascinated with the pop it, lock it, drop it dance move lol he loves to tell me that it looks like I'm wanking off some huge dick... only in his mind. There was a huge display of man love, like usual. Unfortunately I wasn't able to capture it on video, but it happens so often that I think everyone will always remember it lol. A bunch of the guys and Kelsie insisted on playing that Rusted Root song from  Matilda like every other song... "no way! Is this the song from Matilda? I haven't heard that in years!" lol. After people started going to bed, Kelsie, James, Martyn, Zoe and I stayed up listening to a lot of Disney and oldie goodness lol. Kelsie basically made me stay an hour longer than I intended to stay by playing all sorts of songs that she knows I love lol. I nearly cried though when she played Flightless Bird... it's a good thing she turned it off after a few seconds. Christian randomly came into the kitchen at the perfect time because Zoe had decided to unearth her HILARIOUS youtube video. It was a perfect way to end the night lol. Seriously look it up. Zoe's EPIC improvisation. This is basically why youtube was made lol.

It was definitely difficult to wake up for my tutorial at 11... my sleeping schedule is ridiculous right now. The tutorial wasn't too exciting, but I had a good time afterwards when Lindsay and I went into town. There was a funny moment when we were waiting for the bus, and realized after the bus had driven past that we were standing on the wrong side of the street lol I'm allowed to make mistakes like that, but she's Scottish and has no excuse! We decided to stop by the tattoo place first, so I could make an appointment for the weekend. I ended up talking my tattoo out with two of the guys there for a while, since they weren't sure if the exact placing and size I wanted would be possible. But we figured it out, and  I was really excited when he said "I could do it today" lol I just looked at him and was like "now?". He was a pretty sexy man, as well, so that was an added plus lol. When I was getting the tattoo drawn I had to lean my head down on a little cart practically in his lap. It was kind of awkward but we laughed about it later lol. He even complimented me on it lol :) After my tattoo, Lindsay and I had some celebratory McDonalds and did some shopping. We then caught the bus home and I had a good time showing my flatmates my new tattoo. Everyone really liked it :) Mina says it shows my player attitude... lol. I walked to lidl with Mina and Jordan for some stuff to make pizza for dinner, which was literally amazing. Mina is like the best cook ever. She made the dough and everything. It was fabulous. And I had a really nice time helping/getting in her way in the kitchen and talking with her lol. I really like watching her cook. I hope to bring some of her recipes home with me :) when Johanne got home we all sat in the kitchen for a while, just eating and talking lol. I finally showed Mina the dramatic reading of a break up letter. We have been quoting that for a while lol. After dinner, I went over to Bri's flat to show Bri and Kelsie my surprise. They kind of freaked out when they saw it. They weren't expecting me to get it today lol. I really do love it, and I agree with Bri that it is very pretty. Black ink and skin look really nice together. And some things you feel so strongly for on the inside, you want to express them on the outside, too. I love getting tattoos that mean more than one thing to me. Everyone I've been luck enough to meet on this amazing experience has changed me in some way. I love them. Always.

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