Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Holy Internet

So for the past 24 hours my internet was not working, and it really might have been the most stressful 24 hours of my life. But thank god for the nice asian guy at the IT center who figured out everything for me. It was kind of hilarious how it took him about 5 minutes of clicking, typing, and muttering to figure out something that I couldn't even begin to understand.

Yesterday involved an enthralling day of vikings, physical chemistry, and pipetting in lab. Actually it was not very exciting, especially the pipetting in lab. I kind of wanted to harpoon someone with my pipette and then throw my malfunctioning bulb at their head. It was kind of aggravating lol but all turned out well in the end. I'm just hoping that my Vikings! class picks up a bit in the next couple of lectures. The course sounds really interesting to me, but there are over 100 students in it and it might just turn into a kind of blow off class. Learning about the etymology of the word viking was not exactly how I pictures the lecture to go. But it was only the first one, so it will probably get a little more interesting.

After my three hour long lab of useless pipetting, I was definitely excited about the prospect of a free Wednesday. I find it very exciting to have a day off from classes during the week. It's something completely new to me lol. However, my hopes came slightly crashing down when my internet completely failed. I really like to stay up to date with my blog and school emails, so it just wasn't a good feeling going through the evening completely cut off from everything. But my friends definitely made up for it with a showing of Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. We finally got around to watching it, and it couldn't have come at a better time lol. The silly dialogue and witty actors took my mind off of a lot of stuff and I just enjoyed the evening.

Today was an absolutely gorgeous day, probably one of the prettiest that I've seen in a while. It was about 68 degrees, sunny, and fall feeling. During my walk through Seaton Park to campus nothing could get me down! Not even overly expensive school books, multiple lurking 3,000 word essays, or faulty internet lol it was just too beautiful of a day. I bought a physical and inorganic chemistry book which greatly helped me finish my lab, I made plans to hang out with Bri, Jo, Kelsie, Lindsay, and Tara... and of course my internet was fixed! Sometimes things really do work out in the end. I just need to remind myself to not get so stressed in the beginning. :)

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